Traditional and Cultural Activities

Traditional and cultural activities encompass any non-denominational activity during the year that promotes Cree culture and the teaching of traditional and cultural customs. They may include but are not be limited to canoe brigades, winter journeys, summer gatherings, and Aboriginal Day festivities. Niskamoon Corporation will fund traditional and cultural activities by providing 50% of the total cost per project for a maximum of $100,000 for one year for each community.

At its discretion, Niskamoon Corporation funds special project initiatives that promote Cree cultural activities. Please note that these projects are funded for one time only and, as such, are not included in the maximum annual funding of $100,000. Funding for these projects is derived from the Hydro-Québec-Eeyou Funds.


Fisheries Development and Enhancement

While the funds earmarked for fishing projects have, for the most part, been depleted, Niskamoon Corporation considered that it would be best to continue to support the development of Cree traditional fisheries due to their considerable health and cultural benefits. To be considered for funding, fishery projects must include a strong commitment to the training of youths and passing on of traditional Cree fishing knowledge.

The new program is designed to:

  • Ensure the sustainable, long-term use of aquatic resources valued by the Crees
  • Restore fishing practices through the development of fishing installations and methods traditionally used by the Crees
  • Strengthen Cree fisheries through initiatives that foster long-term and self-sufficient activities and pursuits
The following priorities were identified for funding:

  • Self-sustainability
  • Community involvement
  • Respect and promotion of traditional values
  • Increasing health benefits through fish consumption
  • Involvement of youth